Section A: Core studies
- There are questions based on the core studies individually, in their pairs and in terms of their key theme.
- Detail, precision and concision is really important in this section.
- The longer 15 mark question will be in this section
- 'To what extent' questions require you to come to a balanced judgement (e.g. somewhat, greater extent)
- 'Change our understanding' questions need you to make a judgement, to refer to the classic (old) study as well as the contemporary (new) study.
- This is where you have to apply your knowledge to a novel source
- Strategy questions want you to give lots of detail on HOW you are going to manage / change the behaviour
- Evaluation of your strategy can include points on cost, time, practicality as well as ethics and debates.
Paper 2 Section C Style Questions
Hashtags for the different areas and perspectives can be found here