Background: Punishment and reform as responses to criminal behaviour
Key Study: Haney et al. (1973) Study of prisoners and guards in a simulated prison.
Strategy: Reducing reoffending
Key Study: Haney et al. (1973) Study of prisoners and guards in a simulated prison.
Strategy: Reducing reoffending
The Bromley Briefings: Prison the Facts
The file on the right is published each year. The data is drawn largely from government sources. The report charts the extraordinary rise in prison numbers over the last twenty years, inflation in sentencing and the social and economic consequences of overuse of custody. It reveals the state of our overcrowded prisons and the state of people in them, the impact of deep budget cuts, the pace and scale of change in the justice system and the scope for community solutions to crime. |
Background: Two approaches to punishment, reform and prison
1. criminality can be seen as a disorder which requires treatment and reform, the aims of which being to prevent reoffending;
2. or criminal behaviour is seen as an action which needs punishing to deter both the criminal themselves, and others from committing the same offence.
Background: Purposes of Punishment
Background: Prison as Punishment
Sykes outlined five deprivations suffered by becoming an inmate’.
Background: Prison as Reform
Some prison programmes have been created to help prisoners train and prepare for life outside of prison. These include:
1. criminality can be seen as a disorder which requires treatment and reform, the aims of which being to prevent reoffending;
2. or criminal behaviour is seen as an action which needs punishing to deter both the criminal themselves, and others from committing the same offence.
Background: Purposes of Punishment
- Deterrence - This experience is unpleasant enough (or the threat of one), so it serves to prevent the behaviour in the future
- Reform - The experience of punishment leads the offender to becoming a changed individual, such that they do not repeat the behaviour in the future, because they have no need to commit crime.
- Protection - the punishment serves to (temporarily) prevent the individual from committing further crimes by, for example, removing them from society (prison) or removing the means to reoffend (driving disqualification)
- Retribution - the punishment is designed to fit the crime. Here society exacts a kind of revenge upon the offender that is considered proportional to the crime; a very serious crime merits a severe punishment.
Background: Prison as Punishment
Sykes outlined five deprivations suffered by becoming an inmate’.
- Deprivation of Liberty - The prisoner is not trusted to live in the free world. Prisoners use numbers and wear uniforms. Prisoners have to ask before they eat, sleep, shower and interact.
- Deprivation of Autonomy - Prisoners have no power and few choices to make. This can often lead to feelings of almost total helplessness.
- Deprivation of Goods - Inmates don't have the 'stuff' that we expect in the free world. This deprivation can bring a sense of failure to those inside.
- Deprivation of Heterosexual relationships - Many straight men find female companionship to be a part of their self-identity. Being denied this reduces many men's sense of self-worth.
- Deprivation of Security - Some prisoners report fears for their safety. Many inmates describe other prisoners as violent and aggressive.
Background: Prison as Reform
Some prison programmes have been created to help prisoners train and prepare for life outside of prison. These include:
- Classes to increase skills such as literacy and numeracy.
- Training for employment upon release.
- Training criminals for jobs as it gives them the income they need to secure accommodation, be independent and increase their self-esteem.
Haney, Banks and Zimbardo (1973) A study of prisoners and guards in a simulated prison
Aim = To look at the processes which motivate aggressive and submissive behaviour within a ‘total institution’ (e.g. a prison) Participants
Conclusions Situational explanation of behaviour – the prisoners’ and guards’ behaviour changed due to the roles they were given. |
Restorative Justice
1 strategy for reducing reoffending: Restorative Justice
The four key parts to an RJ programme is
The four key parts to an RJ programme is
- respect from both sides
- taking responsibility for their actions
- trying to repair the damage they caused
- and integration
- Both parties must voluntarily enter the process.
- Restorative justice focuses on the needs of the victim. WHY – this is under-represented in the UK Justice system.
- Victim and offender meet with trained officials and support (friends, family) for each side.
- In this meeting the offender usually apologises for committing the crime, and offers to make amends for what has been done.
- Victim has a chance to speak about what impact the offence has had on them.
- Victim can ask questions about why they were chosen to be the target of a crime
CALM Anger Management

CALM is a group programme which may form part of a young person's sentence and/or prison licence (what has to be done when they are on probation).
It is designed to help them control temper and avoid conflict. It consists of 24 group work sessions, each lasting 2 1/2 hrs (twice a week) .
The group work sessions look at:
It is designed to help them control temper and avoid conflict. It consists of 24 group work sessions, each lasting 2 1/2 hrs (twice a week) .
The group work sessions look at:
- Understanding anger and aggression.
- How thinking affects behaviour.
- Developing effective communication skills.
- Managing anger and other emotions.
- Practice skills to avoid re-offending.